Supporting a Safer
Western New York
The men and women in Law Enforcement work tirelessly to protect our community. The Erie County Law Enforcement Foundation is dedicated to providing training, education and grants for specialized equipment & supplies for law enforcement and allied stakeholders. Our goal is to promote and enhance our community’s safety.
The Erie County Law Enforcement Foundation, Inc. (ECLEF) is a not-for-profit organization that supports law enforcement and stake-holders in community safety with resources that are not readily obtainable due to department budget restrictions or accessibility.
ECLEF provides grant-funding for needed specialized training opportunities and assets for Erie County law enforcement departments. We coordinate specialized free training for law enforcement in speacialized areas such as bio-terorism; drug identification, bomb-threat assessment, crypto-currency among many other important and timely topics. We also widely promote and host - for free - the annual Safe Schools Initiative Seminar and the Safe Places Seminar for schools, businesses & workplaces, houses of worship, military bases, nonprofit service providers, residential complexes, public transportation and open space operations as well as law enforcement to enhance safety in our community. ECLEF also recognizes outstanding contributions to public safety by our law enforcement community at our annual Awards Dinner.
Our work is made possible through sponsorships, fund-raisers and the support of many individuals who recognize the need for a safer community.
Get Involved
Safe Schools Initiative Seminar
This one-day event is free and is offered both in-person and virtually. The seminar attracts 700-1,200 participants from a large regional footprint.
Safe Places Seminar
This annual free event is for law enforcement, businesses, houses of worship, military, schools, non-profits, public transportation and open space operations.
Cutting edge technology and expert professional law enforcement training are essential to keeping our communities safe.
If you’re interested in making a difference in your community, make a tax-deductible donation. Through your donation, you’ll be supporting a safer Western New York!